The task of cleaning a bedroom can be draining, overwhelming or consuming considering the amount of mess that is involved. These 6 easy steps will get your room clean and looking presentable in no time!
- Start by making your bed. Beds are the focal point of the room. A made bed looks more inviting than a messy bed.
- Gather everything off the floor and place items on your made up bed. From there, you can start to put away everything on the bed. Put clean clothes away, dirty ones in the basket, and wherever they belong. Place accessories back in their proper place and create an important papers pile to put in your papers boxes, to look through later.
- Home. Make sure everything left on your bed has a ‘home’ and put it where it belongs. Put items without a home in the trash or donate them.
- Clear all dressers and end tables. Simply keep only the things that belong; picture frame, lamp, mirror, jewelry box, candles etc.
- Dust and Vacuum. This will be easy since there is nothing left on the floors or dresser.
- Open your drapes and light a candle. By letting in natural light you change the energy, and by lighting a soft scent it creates the perfect ambiance.
And Tada! You have one clean room! Have something special in your mind to look forward to when you are done. Your something special will keep you motivated!